Blackhawks Athletics
Susquenita High School
Announcements and Important Events
Posted 4.0 months ago @ 2:23PM
Good Afternoon,
As we prepare for our home football game tonight, we wanted to share a few notes with you:
If your student is in elementary or middle school, in order for them to attend the game, they must enter and have an adult with them throughout the event.
Please be reminded that students should not bring soccer balls, footballs, bikes, scooters, etc. Ball playing during the game is not permitted.
Please note that all bookbags, backpacks, and other large bags or purses are not permitted in the stadium, please do not bring them with you. You will be asked to take your bag back to your car prior to entry.
If there is a need for a small bag, please consider a clear plastic bag. All small bags will be subject to inspection upon entry. Other bags may be considered for medical purposes.
Any fan displaying poor sportsmanship or misconduct are subject to removal.
Once a fan leaves the stadium, there is no-re entry permitted.
Thank you for your support as we cheer on our teams with pride, passion, and positivity.
Thank You for your support,
Mr. Scott Markowitz
Director of Athletics
Susquenita School District